Cellular stress and disease

Life happens. How does it affect our cells?

Our focus is aging

Toxic stress takes a toll on our minds, bodies, and emotions — and on the molecules that make up our cells. However, stress is also key for survival and can even be good for us in some circumstances. What are the mechanisms that cells use to deal with (or even benefit from) stress? How is toxic stress linked to disease? And what can we do to ameliorate it? Molecular stress comes in many forms, and most Buck labs include it in their portfolios.

Julie Andersen, PhD

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Pierre-Yves Desprez PhD

Professor in Residence
Campisi lab
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Lisa Ellerby, PhD

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Pankaj Kapahi, PhD

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Simon Melov, PhD

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Jennifer Garrison, PhD

Assistant Professor
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Pejmun Haghighi, PhD

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Malene Hansen, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer and Professor
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Gordon Lithgow, PhD

Vice President, Academic Affairs and Professor
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Birgit Schilling, PhD

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Tara Tracy, PhD

Assistant Professor
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Ashley Webb, PhD

Associate Professor
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Chuankai (Kai) Zhou, PhD

Assistant Professor
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