Basic mechanisms of aging

Almost every aspect of Buck research starts here — and nearly every Buck project adds to our collective knowledge.

Our focus is aging

What drives the aging process? Genetics? Wear and tear? Toxic overload? At what point can we intercede? Moreover, how do particular aging mechanisms link to specific diseases? An understanding the underpinnings of the aging process are key to nearly every discovery. Faculty members eager to collaborate speed the work.

Pierre-Yves Desprez PhD

Professor in Residence
Campisi lab
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Francesca E. Duncan, PhD

Associate Professor in Residence
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Lisa Ellerby, PhD

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David Furman, PhD

Associate Professor
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Jennifer Garrison, PhD

Assistant Professor
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Akos Gerencser, MD, PhD

Associate Research Professor
Director of the Morphology and Imaging Core
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Pejmun Haghighi, PhD

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Malene Hansen, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer and Professor
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Pankaj Kapahi, PhD

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Gordon Lithgow, PhD

Vice President, Academic Affairs and Professor
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Simon Melov, PhD

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Birgit Schilling, PhD

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Eric Verdin, MD

President and Chief Executive Officer, Professor
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Ashley Webb, PhD

Associate Professor
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Daniel Winer Thumbnail image

Dan Winer, MD

Associate Professor
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Chuankai (Kai) Zhou, PhD

Assistant Professor
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