
The critical need for new approaches to Alzheimer’s disease

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Buck discovery research looking to unearth cures

Alzheimer’s is more feared than any other age-related disease. Estimates vary, but the figures are staggering: more than 5.5 million Americans, most of them age 65 or older, have dementia caused by the memory-robbing disease. The controversial FDA approval of Aduhelm (questions about efficacy and the drug’s high cost will keep it in the news for years) highlight both the desperation for treatments and the fact that  hundreds of failed clinical trials leave Alzheimer’s  a disease still without a cure. The estimated healthcare costs for treating those with Alzheimer’s was $305 billion last year. The personal burden for patients and families is incalculable.

Clearly we need new ways of approaching this disease.

Join us for an online conversation with three Buck Institute professors who are bringing insights from research on aging (aging is the largest risk factor for Alzheimer’s) to their efforts to understand the molecular drivers of Alzheimer’s and identify targets and strategies for developing treatments and preventive measures.


Tuesday, September 14, 2021
11:00 am - 12:00 pm PT
Zoom meeting

Zoom link will be sent the day before the event.


The conversation will be moderated by Kris Rebillot, Senior Director of Communications. There will be time for your questions.

Professor Julie Andersen is a neuroscientist looking at small molecules that boost the cell’s own ability to remove damaged proteins and other cellular components through a process called autophagy. The research, supported by federal grants, is also relevant for Parkinson’s disease.

Assistant professor Tara Tracy is a neuroscientist who studies synapses, the specialized structures involved in the transmission of information between neurons and the brain. With support from the Impact Circle, her lab is studying a protein that restored memory in aged mice.

Professor Pankaj Kapahi was awarded federal funding to identify targets for therapeutics for Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases. His lab studies the protective role of dietary restriction with a particular focus on lowering Advanced Glycation End Products to thwart both Alzheimer’s and aging.

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