We make giving from your DAF easy
If you have a donor-advised fund at a community foundation or with a commercial host such as Schwab Charitable or Fidelity Charitable, you can recommend a grant at any time to support ground-breaking research at the Buck. In addition, to address the immediate threat of the covid pandemic and the need for novel, targeted new research, we are introducing a series of special, donor-sponsored Impact Circles focused on COVID-19. Buck Impact Circles are unique, blue-sky research projects funded entirely by groups of donors, who, by joining, regularly engage and interact with Buck Scientists over the course of a project. We have developed these highly engaging and educational donor experiences specifically with donor-advised funds and donor advisors in mind.
Recommend a grant to:
The Buck Institute for Research on Aging
8001 Redwood Boulevard
Novato, CA 94945
EIN: 94-3030609
Alternatively, if you do have a DAF with Schwab Charitable, Fidelity Charitable or BNY Mellon, you may use the DAFDirect link here to make a direct and immediate grant to The Buck.
If you have any questions about recommending a grant to The Buck using your donor advised fund, or would like to speak with someone about designating a specific purpose or area of interest, please contact Brian Van Weele, bvweele@buckinstitute.org