

Hi, I’m Gordon Lithgow.

I’m a scientist who is looking at ways we can make getting older- better! This doesn't have to be an oxymoron, I promise!

Scientists are not always good at getting out of the lab and communicating with real people but here at the Buck Institute in Marin, California, we are “Bucking” this norm and hosting a podcast!  We are going to be talking with amazing researchers from all around the world about their work on aging and their ideas about the future.

The name of the podcast is exactly how I feel- We aren’t getting any younger, yet

Check us out on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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The Age of Circadian Disruption
Our modern world is full of potential disruptions to sleep...
The Purpose and Promise of Longer Lives
What role does the immune system play in aging? How do senescent cells evade it and promote inflammation? And what does it reveal about developing effective interventions? Immunologist Arne Akbar joins Gordon to break down the array of actors and pathways involved, including sestrins, immune memory, the gut microbiome, and more...

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We rely on donations to support the science that we believe will add years to people's lifespan and decades to their healthspan.